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Welcome to the top of your drawer pile, the clothes you'll still want to wear in 2037. We're creating with you a new brand model, somewhere between the nostalgia for the carefree 80s and the utopia of a future where we'll have curbed global warming.


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good news / Devenez actionnaire de Patine

Become a shareholder of Patine!

We are launching season 3 of Patine and we are opening a new crowdfunding campaign to continue our development, this time with a European ambition.

Patine is a premium fashion brand that creates, designs and widely distributes without intermediaries a concentrated catalog of exclusive pieces in exceptional materials at responsible prices. Somewhere between the nostalgia of the carefree 80s and the utopia of a future where we will have controlled global warming, Patine invents its new formula fashion recipe. We imagine ultra-attractive fashion that is compatible with today's ecological and social challenges. We build our ready-to-wear brand piece by piece. In fact, it's the wardrobe of our dreams, with your future favorite clothes. the "top of the pile", the ones we put in our suitcase first, the ones we miss when they are in the washing machine. To align ambition and impact, our mission is written in our statutes and we are a BCorp certified company.

Une marque qui appartient à ses client·e·s, ça change tout

Nous avons fait le choix il y a 3 ans d’ouvrir notre capital une première fois et de devenir une marque co-financée par sa communauté. Vous avez été 531 à souscrire à des actions Patine en 2021, parmi lesquels 70% de femmes qui possèdent désormais un petit morceau de notre marque.

En devenant actionnaire de Patine, vous participez ainsi à une révolution du mode de financement des entreprises et vous participez également à relayer un message fort : en tant que citoyenne et citoyen, il est possible de prendre le pouvoir sur son épargne et choisir de l’investir dans des projets qui ont du sens, un impact concret et dont on partage les valeurs.

Nous ne sommes qu’au début de l’aventure et nous avons besoin de vous pour développer la suite. Pour la deuxième fois nous ouvrons notre capital : devenez actionnaire de Patine et montrons ensemble que d’autres modèles de réussite sont possibles.

We believe that a new fashion model is not only possible, but necessary!


3 années de développement intense

Après le succès de notre première levée de fonds citoyenne sur fin 2021, Patine a non seulement pu structurer une offre ultra qualitative et affiner son rythme commercial entre pré-commande et stock mais aussi refondre son image et l’expérience e-commerce ou encore tester le retail, les pop-ups et le paid marketing tout en maintenant son niveau d’exigence sur la qualité et l’impact avec la certification B Corp obtenue fin 2022.

Depuis notre première levée de fonds il y a 3 ans, nous avons agrandi notre vestiaire et proposons désormais 10 catégories de vêtements, confectionnés dans nos matières phares et déclinés en petites productions et variations couleurs. Le denim est maintenant une catégorie clé, la ligne de chemises s’est agrandie, et Patine a démarré des lignes prometteuses de pulls, outerwear, et techwear avec des jupes, tops et un premier body ainsi qu’un premier petit vestiaire homme.

Nous arrivons à faire croitre notre chiffre d'affaires et à réduire nos coûts sans avoir recours à trop de promotion ni réduire notre niveau d'exigence. Ceci dans une conjoncture économique globalement compliquée pour l'industrie de la mode avec une offre pléthorique mais trop chère ou de faible qualité et une consommation en baisse et tournée vers la fast fashion. C'est pour cela que Lita nous identifie comme un modèle inspirant et un acteur potentiellement clé pour le futur.

Our ambition with you: to become a European brand

On the dressing side, we will develop the denim range to offer several length options and inclusive shapes for a large number of body types. Our first coats and the accessories line will appear in 2025 and 2026.

To shift “cool” towards responsible consumption, we are going to develop our reputation and recruit customers digitally and open 3 stores in Europe within 5 years.

Several fundamentals of the economic model reassure on the potential for profitable growth of Patine. Compared to conventional brands, the brand limits its share of seasonal novelties and frees itself from “trends”, which prevents the stock from losing its value. With a pre-order/stock mix, the brand limits the risks of overproduction and optimizes its cash flow.

We also note a very strong loyalty to the brand despite the still limited number of references, proving Patine's ability to create attachment and pieces that last.

Patine has solid assets to become a key player in tomorrow's fashion with its responsibly priced offering, the quality of its materials and pieces, its commitments and its philosophy.

Dans les épisodes précédents...

Patine lance sa saison 3. Si vous découvrez le projet, voici en 2mn un petit résumé en vidéo dolby surround VHS

Your testimonies from the first round!

There are 531 of you who have become shareholders of Patine in 2021, thank you! 3 years later we are opening up our capital again. To join us, it's now.

Questions and answers

Why are you suggesting that we become shareholders?

Because Patine is doing well and wants to go further! It is time to secure our sustainability and accelerate our development to embody our brand ideal even more strongly: just as demanding on our style and our creative universe as on our environmental and social impact. We welcome during this 2nd fundraising business angels who believe in our committed brand model, and we want to allow you to invest alongside them.

Can we know more about Lita?

Of course! As always, we carefully choose partners who are aligned with our commitments and Lita is no exception to the rule: is the pioneering platform for sustainable and civic investment in Europe. It allows everyone to invest their savings in financing the transition. From €100, individuals invest directly in companies developing innovative solutions to meet the major ecological and social challenges of our time. In almost 10 years of existence, more than 250 impact or transformation companies have been financed at a strategic moment in their development.

A leading player in France, is also a European player with a platform in Belgium.

Approved by the Financial Markets Authority (AMF), the company is also labeled ESUS (Socially Useful Solidarity Enterprise) and Finansol (FAIR).

It is an “equity crowdfunding” platform, meaning that in exchange for their financial participation, individuals can invest in the capital of the company they support. Everything happens online, the platform is intuitive and its activity is extremely regulated: Lita is a platform recognized and approved by the Financial Markets Authority.

In order to carry out our second fundraising on their platform, Lita's teams carried out a thorough and demanding audit of Patine's financial situation, development plan and environmental and social impact, then a committee validated our file. Lita is also present on our board in order to participate in strategic decisions and monitor our development.

What does it actually mean to invest in Patine?

This means that in exchange for the amount you wish to invest - and which we will then use to finance our development projects - you will have shares in our capital. Concretely, these shares are called shares , which will therefore make you a shareholder of Patine.

To be able to carry out this so-called fundraising operation, which is extremely regulated from a legal and financial point of view, we go through the ethical financing platform , whose role is precisely to make it possible to raise funds for companies with a positive social and environmental impact from individuals and business angels.

Why contact us rather than investment funds?

Because you are the best investors we could dream of!

To develop and finance new projects, a company has several solutions.

She can use her own funds, that is, the money that was injected when the company was created and the profits made since then. This is what Patine did for 4 years. Except that this option has limits because there are projects that require more funds than what is available in the company. So yes, we could continue to move forward slowly and do a lot with little, but it would be a shame to stagnate when we have a lot of ambition and you support us in this direction!

Another option would be to appeal to investment funds but for our current company size, this would require too many compromises on our model of reasoned growth.

In fact, we already know Patine's dream investors. Those who understand our vision and share our love of clothes as much as our ecological conscience, who also dream of a conscious wardrobe, an optimistic future and of really having an impact... That's you.

What am I supporting by becoming a shareholder of Patine?

By becoming a Patine shareholder, you officially join the Patine Shareholders Club. Thanks to you, we launch new projects and you will be consulted at every stage of our company's development.
Beyond us, you encourage and participate in a new model of finance and economy that is more responsible and transparent.
By becoming a shareholder of Patine, you are making the conscious choice to invest an amount of your savings in a sustainable company with a positive social and environmental impact. You are thus participating in a revolution in the way companies are financed and you are also helping to relay a strong message: as a citizen, it is possible to take control of your savings and choose to invest them in projects that make sense, have a concrete impact and whose values ​​you share.

What information can I find on the Lita platform regarding financial opportunities and risks?

Lita outlines the tax breaks associated with your investment
Immediately, your investment allows you to benefit from a tax reduction of 25% of the amount invested: a way for the French State to encourage you to invest in the French economy and business creation. Thus, an investment of €500 allows you to benefit from a tax reduction of €125. This reduction takes the form of a tax credit (= reimbursement): when you complete your next tax return, you will indicate that you have invested in the capital of an SME in 2021 and you will receive your tax credit a few months later. This is the application of the IR-PME system (Madelin law)

Lita reminds you of the opportunity for potential dividends and/or capital gains but also reminds you of the risks

As a shareholder, you have shares in Patine's capital. As such, the company's potential financial performance can also benefit you. Several scenarios are possible:

  • If the company succeeds in its business plan, its profitability will allow you to receive a portion of the profits in the form of dividends (the amount is calculated based on your percentage of shares in the company)
  • If the company is bought out in a few years, you could potentially make a capital gain by selling your shares.

These different scenarios are not mutually exclusive and depend on the strategy that will be implemented by the company and for which you will be consulted because it is your role as a shareholder.

Now that you know this, Lita reminds you that it is impossible for a company to guarantee these “financial success” scenarios. Any investment is, by nature, risky: the golden rule is therefore to only invest what you are prepared to lose. This way, you do not put yourself in danger and there can only be good surprises. If you are used to investing, you already know and if this is the first time you invest, now you know! Do not hesitate to contact Emilie from the Lita team if you have any questions, she will be able to inform you.

The financial terms of the investment are detailed directly on the Lita website .

What do I actually need to do to become a shareholder?

We are committed to ensuring that our fundraising is not reserved for just a few financial experts, but democratic, open to our community and on an online platform that makes things simple.

All you have to do is go to our Lita page, create your profile and select the amount you want to invest in Patine. It’s a little more procedural than ordering a t-shirt (and thankfully so) but it’s pretty simple, I promise: you’ll need an ID, recent proof of address and to answer a few questions. At this point, your “investment intention” is non-binding and changeable.
Only in phase 2 will you be able to confirm the amount of your investment, sign the “shareholders’ agreement” and officially become a shareholder of Patine.

I am a business angel, I am used to investing in companies: can we talk?

Of course, write to us at if you would like to talk to the Patine team. We also invite you to consult our Lita page where you will find all our information and detailed investment file.

I am asked for a lot of personal information about my source of income, amount of personal capital etc. on Lita, should I provide this?

This is indeed part of the platform registration process. Here is Lita's response on this subject: “this data is strictly confidential and declarative. We are not obliged to verify the data provided although it is mandatory, in accordance with the regulations in force defined by the Financial Markets Authority and reinforced by MIFID 2. In addition, Lita undertakes to keep investors' information confidential and not to use or disclose any information for purposes other than the proper execution of its mission. Lita is bound by professional secrecy and does not resell your data to third parties.” Reassuring! Lita's objective is to provide the greatest precaution to future investors according to their personal situation by being able to advise them correctly (for example, not letting you invest more than 10% of your savings). FYI, Patine does not collect any of the information provided during registration, we will only have the contact details of the people who have actually invested at the close of the fundraising.

What will my role be as a shareholder?

We have always wanted to be a brand close to our community and now with the Patine shareholders club, we are going even further. The mission we have set for ourselves is ambitious: to make possible and propose a new brand model that reconciles fashion desires, humans and nature. The better we surround ourselves, the more we will succeed. 

As a member of our Patine shareholder club, you will have privileged access to the life of our company: you will receive a dedicated newsletter in which we will transparently share our progress, our upcoming challenges and we will consult you on our strategy. The Patine team remains the decision-maker but your opinion counts: in concrete terms, you will be asked to vote for certain decisions (1 share = 1 vote). Throughout your new life as a Patine shareholder, you will have access to a dashboard on Lita on which you will receive Patine's half-yearly reports and will be able to participate in online general meetings. As we told you a little earlier, as a shareholder you also become our spokesperson and thanks to you, we hope that more and more people will be convinced by our new brand model.

Finally, last thing, this role of shareholder and our relationship is contractualized in an official document called “shareholders' agreement” to which you will have access during phase 2 of our fundraising and which you will be invited to sign before officially joining our Patine Shareholders Club.

I have booked my investment, what do I do now?

First of all, thank you for believing in us! We have prepared a checklist for you so that you are ready to move on to phase 2 when the time comes:

  1. I make sure that my profile is completed and validated (to be on the starting blocks and to be able to confirm your investment on the big day)
  2. I will read the investment file carefully when it becomes available.
  3. I ask all my questions if I have any: I send an email to the Lita team
  4. I wait and stay alert until I receive an email from to announce the opening of phase 2 called “collection” to confirm my investment.
  5. The best is yet to come as they say :)

I can't invest now but next month yes, will it be possible?

Our fundraising is limited in time. Once it is closed it is no longer possible to invest. So our timing is now. If you can't invest, don't worry, we are already very grateful to you for supporting us, carrying us and reporting, and nothing prevents you from sharing the opportunity, who knows, maybe there are our future shareholders around you!

Will Patine change?

Yes, better. We are giving ourselves the means to go further. But our commitments as a new model brand compatible with the challenges of the times are not changing, and they are even strengthening. It is precisely so as not to change our way of doing things that we want customers to be shareholders of our brand: you understand our commitments.
The world doesn't need another fashion brand like the others, but rather inspiring alternative models! Club Patine forever

I have a question that is not listed above

For all questions directly concerning the Patine team, write to us at

PS: will we be able to have an official badge? Business cards? A cap to show off at dinners? It's being studied, we'll put it on the agenda for the next General Meeting of Shareholders :)


For all your questions about the investment process and terms:
Lita Hotline :

For all your questions about Patine:
Patine Hotline :